6 Quotes & Sayings By Judith Jamison

Judith Jamison is the author of six bestselling novels, including the best-selling Children of God series. She is a contributor to such magazines as The New Yorker and Outside. Her articles have appeared in such publications as The New York Times and Esquire. Judith has been featured on national radio and television, including numerous appearances on "Good Morning America," "The Today Show," and "CBS This Morning." She lives in Connecticut with her husband and three children.

Learn the craft of knowing how to open your heart and to turn on your creativity. There’s a light inside of you. Judith Jamison
If you look at a dancer in silence, his or her body will be the music. If you turn the music on, that body will become an extension of what you're hearing. Judith Jamison
You don't enter a dance studio and say "I can't do that." If you do, then why are you in the studio in the first place? Judith Jamison
The first time I started choreographing was in the dark, in my living room, with the lights completely out, to some popular music on the radio. I put the radio on full blast and I started moving. I didn't know what it looked like. I didn't want to see it... I had to start in the dark. Judith Jamison
People come to see beauty, and I dance to give it to them. Judith Jamison